Golden Eagle

If you know the birds from our range, you can be sure that they will be a success with our four-legged friends. But when you take out the Tabby Tiger Golden Eagle, we count exactly 3 seconds before your tiger jumps into the air with impatience. The Tabby Tiger Golden Eagle is one of the largest land eagles in nature in the Northern Hemisphere and we have reflected that in this toy.

(3 customer reviews)


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Item number: 8720297240379 Categories: ,

If you know the birds from our range, you can be sure that they will be a success with our four-legged friends. But when you take out the Tabby Tiger Golden Eagle, we count exactly 3 seconds before your tiger jumps into the air with impatience. The Tabby Tiger Golden Eagle is one of the largest land eagles in nature in the Northern Hemisphere and we have reflected that in this toy. We made its large legs from leather and buffalo hair and we tried to imitate its plumage with mostly dark brown and gold feathers.

An eagle is an opportunistic hunter that attacks all kinds of animals, so we are curious to see how this will turn out when they are introduced to the kittens' hunting instincts! We fear that the roles will be reversed….

The Tabby Tiger Golden Eagle is approximately 20cm long and is one of the most beautiful toys in our range.

3 reviews for Golden Eagle

  1. Erica (verified owner)

    Beautiful bird, sturdy. Gijs especially likes it (since he got the mouse this has been his number 3). The eagle becomes more beautiful when they play with it, then everything opens up a little more. They can also play with it independently of the fishing rod.

  2. THOMAS (verified owner)

    Our Dribble remains somewhat unmoved at the golden eagle. She even recoils a bit. It probably depends on the size of the bird. We tied the wide wing fan together with an elastic band to make the eagle a bit more compact. This led to an improvement, but Dribbel still makes little effort and is in a hurry to sink her teeth into it. Nevertheless, the eagle is nicely made and it will depend on the cat how she reacts to it. So it might be best to purchase it if your confident cat likes large prey.

  3. Renier Thijssen (verified owner)

    This is one of your absolute favorites for your fishing rod. My Siamese cat Makoto loves it.

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